Bodywork & Mental Health

The first session will be open to drop-ins who are curious about exploring within this container

Afterward, this will become a closed closed group for the remaining five weeks to cultivate a deeper sense of trust and continuity.

Karuna Yoga Studio
$120 for six weeks

I invite you to join a collaborative group exploring the possibilities within the expanding field of embodied healing. This group welcomes therapists, bodyworkers, coaches, and educators who are incorporating somatics into their practice or are curious about doing so. 

Our general format will foster a space for discovery and inspiration. Each session will be clear and grounded, beginning with an body-based warm-up to help us arrive and regulate together, followed by lab time to share techniques, experiment with new practices, discuss theory, and harvest insights. This environment aims to feel safe, inclusive, radical, and generative, serving both as a professional and emotional support, enabling participants to deepen their work, refine their skills, share leadership and co-create material to use with clients.

Our aim is to leave each session feeling connected, motivated and fully alive.

The first session is open to anyone curious about this work. Afterward, the group will close for the remaining five weeks to build trust and continuity. 

When: Fridays, 10:00am – 11:30am | Jan 10 – Feb 14
Where: Karuna Yoga Studio | 25 Main St. | Northampton
Cost: $120 for six weeks

If this resonates with you, or if you have questions, I’d love to hear from you!


BodyandBeingTherapy (at) gmail (dot) com



Somatic Yoga blends the philosophy and practice of yoga with somatic exploration, helping you listen to and trust your body’s innate wisdom. The practice encourages mindful movement, adapting to your body’s needs while deepening your physical and personal connection.

Focusing on grounding, dynamic movement, and fascia-based principles, Somatic Yoga nourishes joints, strengthens connective tissue, and promotes healthy movement. Through inward listening and individual expression, you’ll explore movement as an inquiry, discovering new ways to move with authenticity, grace and ease.

This practice balances between guidance and freedom, offering a nurturing space to learn nourishing movement patterns. Accessible to all levels, Somatic Yoga supports greater presence, body awareness, and emotional connection, empowering you to expand your movement potential and embrace your body’s wisdom.



April 10-13, 2025 @ Earthdance

Contact Improvisation & Somatic Approaches Applied Therapeutically

with Aaron Brandes and Gabrielle Revlock

Our research is published in a co-authored chapter in the book Resistance and Support: Contact Improvisation @50

Order Resistance and Support online with promotion code AAFLYG6 to save 30%

This workshop delves into the therapeutic potential of Contact Improvisation (Cl), Authentic Movement (AM), and Restorative Contact (RC), as well as other somatic practices, demonstrating how their principles can enhance somatic intelligence, attunement, and co-regulation.

For registration and more info